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Chapter 10 - Page 37
Posted May 30, 2018 at 3:55 pm

Help us hit our $6000 goal by retweeting, reblogging, or letting others know!
Hey folks! Lin here. I wanted to draw your attention to a project I'm involved with that's currently on kickstarter! Malaise is a super exciting horror anthology written entirely by queer, poc, or disabled authors! I've written a story for it called CRY OF THE HUNGER FISH, which is about a lesbian janitor and a deep sea aquarium filled with all sorts of spine-tingling terrors and weirdo fish. It's sort of Lovecraft meets Little Shop of Horrors, and I've been hearing some amazing things about the other stories too! If this project sounds like something you'd enjoy, please take a look and consider donating to help make it happen. If it isn't, but you think you know someone who might dig it, then please please please pass it along to them! Thanks so much, guys!
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