Hiveworks Comics
Posted June 23, 2018 at 3:55 pm
This moody, evocative page by Salty features Pam as the shadowy leader of the Shaderunners--so we obviously love it! You can also find her work on tumblr!

DPD: Arcane Affairs is a comic that takes place in Duluth, Minnesota, 2010. In this universe, magic is widely known and accepted as a thing, and there are laws and regulations, schools and commercial products addressing that fact, just like any everyday force! It's a sister comic to Help Wanted. I love this approach to magic and worldbuilding, and I think you will too!


CAPTAIN IMANI AND THE COSMIC CHASE IS NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER! Thank you so, so much to everyone who donated! We are now officially FUNDED, and any additional funds will go to printing more books!

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