Hiveworks Comics
Posted June 14, 2018 at 3:55 pm
A lot of people commented about really hoping that Josie from the Cavory heist got her happy ending. I definitely meant to imply that she absolutely did with the ending of that arc, but it was such a thrill for me to see Toasty's affirming, warm guest comic confirming as much! This is pretty much what I imagined for these two: lots of love, support and fun!

When you're done here, you can check out Toasty's webcomic, War in the Shade, which is a fantasy drama about Ada Feldon, a medical student who accepts a marriage proposal from a man she barely knows, whose business may be much more shady than either she or her new bodyguard initially thought. It's a great comic if you're into character-driven storytelling and fab worldbuilding!


CAPTAIN IMANI AND THE COSMIC CHASE IS NOW LIVE ON KICKSTARTER! Thank you so, so much to everyone who donated! We are now officially FUNDED, and any additional funds will go to printing more books!

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